May 1, 2023

Paul Wayeoflife 🇳🇱

📍Haarlem, (Netherlands 🇳🇱)
⚖️ 1.293 KG 👜 12.930 Lts
💚 Using the #CSFN app🌲📲

Welcome to Haarlem, a city known for its scenic beauty and vibrant community spirit. In the heart of this picturesque Dutch locale resides Mr. Paul, a committed advocate for environmental conservation through plogging. Let’s delve into the story of this remarkable individual and his impactful journey toward a cleaner, greener Haarlem.

Exploring Haarlem’s Environmental Advocate:

Mr. Paul, also known as Waye of Life, is a prominent figure in Haarlem’s environmental scene. With a passion for preserving the natural beauty of his city, he has dedicated himself to the noble cause of litter picking, inspiring others to join him in his mission for a cleaner environment.
Since early 2023, Mr. Paul has been actively using the #CSFN app to document his plogging efforts. With over 100 cleanups and 1,293 kilograms of litter collected, he exemplifies the spirit of community-driven action and environmental stewardship.

A Journey of Personal Commitment:

For Mr. Paul, plogging is more than just a hobby—it’s a personal commitment to making a tangible difference in his community. Through his dedicated efforts, he not only cleans up litter but also raises awareness about the importance of environmental conservation.

Inspiring Change Through Action:

Driven by a desire to inspire change, Mr. Paul leads by example, demonstrating how small actions can lead to significant environmental impact. His advocacy for sustainable living and waste reduction resonates with individuals across Haarlem, sparking a movement for positive change. Outside of his environmental advocacy, Mr. Paul maintains a balance between his personal and professional life. As a dedicated member of the Haarlem community, he channels his passion for environmental activism into his daily routines while fulfilling his professional responsibilities.


In Haarlem, Mr. Paul’s unwavering dedication to environmental conservation serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for residents and visitors alike. Through his tireless efforts and commitment to positive change, he embodies the spirit of community activism and leaves a lasting impact on his city. Let’s join Mr. Paul in his mission to create a cleaner, greener Haarlem for generations to come.

#plasticfree  #basuraleza  #actforchange  #rivercleanup  #trashtag  #cleanup  #plogging  #litterpicking  #earthday  #yourbagmakesadifference  #keepnaturewild  #worldcleanupday  #binit  #pickuplitter  #roskapäïvä  #just1bag1000  #2minutebeachclean  #5minutebeachcleanup  #unlitter  #уберипростотак  #와이퍼스  #ustranger  #dosomethingfornothing  #søppelplukking  #pliking