Home » Mi Pueblo Limpio 🇪🇸

Mi Pueblo Limpio 🇪🇸

We meet part of Mipueblolimpio's team: Marce, Victoria, Gabi and Encarni (the wonder-woman behind the movement). A litter picking family.

📍 Maliaño (Santander, España 🇪🇸)
⚖️ 7,886 KG collected 🗑️✨ 68,500 Lts cleaned
✅ All tracked in the CSFN App 📱♻️

Welcome to Maliaño, Santander, where a memorable day unfolded as we joined forces with @mipueblolimpio21 for a cleanup initiative. This encounter was more than just a collaboration—it was an opportunity to witness firsthand the dedication and passion of like-minded individuals committed to making a difference in their community.

Meeting Mi Pueblo Limpio:

Our day began with the pleasure and honor of meeting the inspiring team behind Mi Pueblo Limpio. After months of mutual admiration on Instagram, meeting them in person took our respect for their work to new heights. Among the wonderful team members we met were Marce, Victoria, Gabi, and the driving force behind the movement, Encarni. Their camaraderie and shared commitment to keeping their community clean were evident, reinforcing the idea that they are more than just a team—they are a family.

Insights and Collaboration:

Over tea at a local café, we engaged in fruitful discussions about potential collaborations and ways to support each other’s initiatives. The team provided invaluable feedback on our CSFN app, which we eagerly noted for future improvements and growth. The exchange of ideas and experiences further solidified our bond and mutual admiration for each other’s efforts.

Taking Action:

With plans in place, we embarked on a joint cleanup near the airport, resulting in the collection of an impressive 19KG of trash. It was a tangible demonstration of our collective impact and a reminder of the importance of community-driven action in preserving our environment.


As we bid farewell to our newfound friends, we are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such dedicated individuals. Their motto, “because mi pueblo limpio, es tu pueblo limpio” (when my town is clean, your town is clean too), resonates deeply with our shared vision of creating a cleaner and healthier world for all. While geographical distances may separate us, our shared commitment to environmental stewardship unites us in a common cause. Together, let’s continue to make a difference and inspire positive change in our communities. Join us as we strive to #cleansomethingfornothing and make a lasting impact with CSFN.


#plasticfree  #basuraleza  #noplanetb  #rivercleanup  #trashtag  #cleanup  #plogging  #litterpicking  #earthday  #yourbagmakesadifference  #keepnaturewild  #justgrabbits  #binit  #ploggingsquad  #roskapäïvä  #just1bag1000  #2minutebeachclean  #5minutebeachcleanup  #unlitter  #уберипростотак  #와이퍼스  #ustranger  #recycle  #dosomethingfornothing


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