July 26, 2021

Haagse Ploggah 🇳🇱

📍 The Hague (The Netherlands 🇳🇱)
⚖️~3 KG 👜 30 Lts (1st cleanup)

Raise your bag! Today it is time for @haagse_ploggah, and his cleanups ♻️ in Holland. He’s an expert in taking cleanup actions to the next level⬇️

He picks up trash in various ways: paddling across the river🛶, running, cycling🚴, jumping on the air, joining other friends 👨‍👩‍👦… He cleans up everything he finds. What we love the most is the energy and positivity he transmits in every cleanup 🏞️🌲

His goal is to show people that “it doesn’t matter how much you do, the little you do matters 💪. It’s not about the distance or amount in Kg, what matters is the simple act of bending and picking a piece of lost trash, the rest, will follow” 💚🌍

Let’s keep doing that, let’s #cleansomethingfornothing #CSFN

#plasticfree #zerowaste #1piecearmy #bethechange #rivercleanup #trashtag #cleanup #plogging #litterpicking #earthday #yourbagmakesadifference #keepnaturewild #justgrabbits #binit #ploggingsquad #roskapäïvä #just1bag2020 #porpocoquehagamos #2minutebeachclean #5minutebeachcleanup #unlitter #уберипростотак #dosomethingfornothing