May 15, 2022

Atlan Camina 🇪🇸

📍 Tenerife (Islas Canarias 🇮🇨, España 🇪🇸)
⚖️ ~ 5000Kg (solo & with groups)

Into the Wild 🌲. This time we travel to the south of Spain, 250km from the Occidental Sahara, we land in The Canary Islands 🇮🇨 Here we meet with Atlán (@atlancamina). He is a young man native from these islands who left everything behind to start touring 🚶🏻‍♂️ the Canary Islands by foot while collecting garbage ♻️. Doing this on his own, with no money and with the aim of protecting the 🌍. To this date, here are some of the milestones he has achieved:

✔️ living in nature solo for 12 months
✔️ collected 5+ Tons of garbage
✔️ 32+ lectures given in schools and institutes.
✔️ walked more than 1200 Km


Atlán says that his journey is a criticism of a society that only seeks wealth and honor, living in a selfish bubble separated from our natural environment while destroying it needlessly 🆘️. He dreams of walking around the world 🧭 and being a writer, this is his way of fighting for a utopian future where humans learn to live ethically with nature 🌿💫.

Additionally, we could met in person in Tenerife early this year and had a long chat about life and cleanups ♻️. He has downloaded our CSFN app 📲 and registered already 1075 Kg of his cleaups, putting him on the top 5 ranking world-wide! We are so happy to have you onboard, let’s keep living & learning doing + things for the environment together!! 🙌 #cleansomethingfornothing #CSFN

#plasticfree  #basuraleza  #noplanetb  #rivercleanup  #trashtag  #cleanup  #plogging  #litterpicking  #earthday  #yourbagmakesadifference  #keepnaturewild  #justgrabbits  #binit  #ploggingsquad  #roskapäïvä  #just1bag1000  #2minutebeachclean  #5minutebeachcleanup  #unlitter  #уберипростотак  #와이퍼스  #ustranger  #dosomethingfornothing