June 15, 2022

Anna Wasilewski 🇩🇪

📍 Plötzensee (Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪)
⚖️ 1621 KG 👜 16210 Lts
✅️ registered @ CSFN App

Hallo ANNA! This has been a special day. For our CSFN project 📲 and for us personally. We’ve met Anna Wasilewski (@annawasilewskicom) she is the founder of LITTERPICKER (@berlin_litterpicker) ♻️ in Berlin. And you know what? It’s been amazing!!! She is a fountain of ideas💡 and moreover a genuine good soul. By the time we talked and discussed it felt as if we already knew each other. We shared pizza 🍕, beer, great conversations and even a bingo eve with her boyfriend and friends! 🌍

Of course, we both couldn’t resist to do a small cleanup ♻️🌲 at Strandbad Ploetzensee 😊 It was quite clean since the LITTERPICKER are the guardians of the park keeping it clean every week 🍃 & implementing sustainable solutions. We both work everyday to make our surroundings better 🏕, the change is slow at times but things are definitely changing!! Thanks to every volunteer 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 and person who cares, in Germany, Luxembourg, Spain… Anywhere! Because you/we are driving the genuine positive change in our society ♻️💚.

What a good banter we had Anna, we’re waiting for you in Luxembourg 🇱🇺, let’s #cleansomethingfornothing #CSFN

#plasticfree  #basuraleza  #noplanetb  #rivercleanup  #trashtag  #cleanup  #plogging  #litterpicking  #earthday  #yourbagmakesadifference  #keepnaturewild  #justgrabbits  #binit  #ploggingsquad  #roskapäïvä  #just1bag1000  #2minutebeachclean  #5minutebeachcleanup  #unlitter  #уберипростотак  #와이퍼스  #plötzensee  #dosomethingfornothing