January 9, 2024

Tamozi 🇮🇷

We kick off the 2024 cleanup series with a group of passionate students from Iran 🇮🇷 who join forces to clean their beautiful environment under the name @tamozi.ir 🫶. We love how they involve people of all ages to clean up and beautify Iran, always with a positive attitude🌍.

What is Tamozi?

In Persian, Tamozi stands for “TArafdar MOhite ZIsti,” meaning Environmentalist. We are students from Iran’s top universities🏫 who are concerned about the environment, and we operate in this field completely non-profit. Tamozi is active in several major cities including Tehran, Karaj, Shiraz, Mashhad, Yasuj, and Isfahan.

Why do you think litter picking is important?

As you know, the issue of the environment is one of the most important challenges mankind is dealing with today and it is the first step in the development of any country. That’s why we are working in this field.💚

Tamozi’s Impact and Activities

Tamozi not only focuses on litter picking but also conducts various awareness campaigns and educational programs to inform the public about environmental issues. Their dedication to the cause has made a significant impact on their communities, inspiring many to take part in their initiatives. They believe that small, consistent actions can lead to big changes, promoting a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

You guys have our respect and admiration for what you do. Let’s spread these good actions to have more good around us! Let’s #CleanSomethingForNothing #CSFN

Love 💚 from #CleanSomethingForNothing to you 💫 Keep it up! Trust the CSFN app!

#plasticfree  #basuraleza  #actforchange  #rivercleanup  #trashtag  #cleanup  #plogging  #litterpicking  #earthday  #yourbagmakesadifference  #keepnaturewild  #worldcleanupday  #binit  #pickuplitter  #roskapäïvä  #just1bag1000  #2minutebeachclean  #5minutebeachcleanup  #unlitter  #уберипростотак  #와이퍼스  #ustranger  #dosomethingfornothing  #søppelplukking