Home » Sabine Hoetzel 🇩🇪

Sabine Hoetzel 🇩🇪

Today we have @sabine.hoetzel from Germany. A member of @worldcleanup with her own vision on how litter is invading our environment.

📍 Black Forest (Baden-Württemberg, Germany 🇩🇪)
⚖️ ~2.5 KG collected 🗑️✨ 25 Lts cleaned (1st cleanup)

Today we introduce you to @sabine.hoetzel from Germany. She’s a member of @worldcleanup 🌍 and offers a unique and creative perspective on how litter is invading our environment 🌿.

💬 Sabine’s take on “Invasive Species – Threats to Our Environment”:
_”Invasive species cause massive damage to our native flora and fauna 🌱. They are a potent, persistent, and widespread threat to our environment. Even in the most remote places, these species are multiplying exponentially. Be cautious—they escape from backpacks, handbags 🎒, and strollers. Well camouflaged, they often live in secret and threaten our native habitats and species 🌳.”

“During my hikes through the woods 🌲, I have become increasingly successful at spotting these ‘introduced species,’ capturing them, and relocating them to their natural habitat: the trash can 🗑️.”

Have you encountered these “invasive species”?
If so, join the effort to combat these modern plagues! Let’s catch and relocate them ♻️✨. Otherwise, some will remain a problem for 1 million years ⚠️🌍.

Thank you, Sabine, for inspiring us all with your creative and meaningful approach to tackling litter. Let’s #CleanSomethingForNothing! 💪♻️✨

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