July 3, 2021

No Trash Run 🇺🇦

📍 Uman (Ukraine 🇺🇦)
👜 120 Lts ⚖️~10 KG

Welcome to Uman, a corner of Ukraine where nature joins forces with the clean-up movement led by @no.trash.run. Dive into the experiences and testimonies of those who have turned cleaning into a shared passion. Join us on this journey to discover how the love for running merges with the commitment to keep our environment clean and healthy.

The Clean-Up Movement @no.trash.run:

At the heart of Uman, @no.trash.run is born, a movement dedicated to cleaning nature while engaging in its members’ favorite sport: running. With every step, these passionate runners pick up waste and trash, turning their runs into an opportunity to care for the planet and raise awareness about the importance of a clean environment.

Participant Testimony:

“The idea of @no.trash.run is simple: do what you love, for me it’s running, and clean up nature. Every time we walk through the forest or parks, we see a huge amount of trash. To reduce it, people need to change their behavior and start thinking about the whole world 🌎. During each cleanup, we receive positive results and great emotions, it’s like a retreat for our mind. You clean up nature and your brain from the garbage and negative things. Each time we pick up at least 120 liters of trash and do a great job 👍 So, let’s make our environment cleaner every time 🙏”.

A Call to Action:

With every bag of trash collected, @no.trash.run and its community demonstrate that every small gesture counts in the fight for a cleaner and more sustainable world. Join the movement, do your part, and become an agent of positive change in your community.


The clean-up movement @no.trash.run is an inspiring reminder that individual action can have a significant collective impact on preserving our planet. Let’s follow their example, keep our communities clean, and protect the natural beauty that surrounds us. Together, we can make a difference and leave a legacy of care and respect for the environment for future generations. #cleansomethingfornothing #CSFN

#cleansomethingfornothing #CSFN
#plasticfree #zerowaste #1piecearmy #bethechange #notrashrun #trashtag #cleanup #plogging #litterpicking #earthday #yourbagmakesadifference #keepnaturewild #justgrabbits #binit #ploggingsquad #roskapäïvä #just1bag2021 #porpocoquehagamos #alitterpickaday #5minutebeachcleanup #unlitter #уберипростотак #dosomethingfornothing