📍 Pereira (Colombia 🇨🇴)
🌲 Many trails cleaned
💚 Using the #CSFN app 📲😃
Tilemaxos is making waves in Pereira, Colombia. This area is famous for coffee. Tilemaxos isn’t from here. He comes from Thessaloniki in Greece. But he has made Colombia his home for over five years.
Founded in 2017 by expatriates living in Pereira, located in the heart of Zona Cafetera in central Colombia, Acción Voluntaria quickly gained momentum. By 2019, this voluntary group was officially recognized as an NGO, focusing primarily on cleanup activities within the city.
For Tilemaxos and his team, litter picking is more than just an environmental activity: “We are convinced that engaging in trash-picking can elevate people’s environmental awareness. This conviction drives us to involve local high school students in our initiatives annually, integrating them into various school environmental projects,” he shared.
“The CSFN app has been a game-changer in litter-picking, providing a platform for global tracking. I believe the European Union should advocate for such initiatives more vigorously. The user-friendly interface is a bonus!” Tilemaxos remarked, endorsing the app wholeheartedly.
If you’re keen on understanding the global litter picking movement and witnessing its impact in places like Pereira, keep an eye on our updates. With passionate individuals like Tilemaxos and powerful tools like the CSFN app, we believe in a cleaner tomorrow. 🫂💚 #CleanSomethingForNothing
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