Home » Un Chemin Sans Dechets 🇨🇭

Un Chemin Sans Dechets 🇨🇭

Meet Jérôme and Laura, the inspiring duo behind "Un Chemin Sans Dechets" On their 2022 road trip from Switzerland to Malaysia, they educate, clean and recycle waste.

📍 Sustainable 🚐 Roadtrip 2022
🇨🇭 Switzerland ➡️ Mongolia ➡️ Central Asia ➡️ Malaysia

Meet Jérôme and Laura, two beautiful souls 🌍✨ who run “A Waste-Free World” 🌱♻️. Their inspiring project focuses on educating people 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 about environmental pollution and overconsumption. Here’s how they describe their mission in their own words ⬇️✨

💬 Jérôme & Laura’s Words:

“Every day, we intentionally make choices to reduce our carbon footprint 🌿. We want to share the knowledge we’ve acquired with others, as well as provide tips 💡 for leading a healthier and more environmentally responsible life.

For us, cleanups ♻️ have become a part of our everyday lives. Our purpose is to document the waste we find while encouraging and motivating others to get involved and join us in our cleanup mission. Together, we can build a more sustainable future 🌍.

By doing so, our goal is to save our planet from the toxic waste that is slowly destroying it. In the summer of 2022, we’ll take to the road 🚐 with Ringo, our home on wheels, equipped to recycle plastics ♻️ and upcycle other objects. Thanks to Ringo’s large storage capacity, we’ll be able to collect and recycle significant amounts of waste 🗑️ we encounter.”_

If this project resonates with you, if you’d like to learn more, meet them, or join them for a cleanup, don’t hesitate to reach out! You can find more details on their website 🌐.

Let’s #CleanSomethingForNothing! 💪♻️ #CSFN

#plasticfree #1dechetparjour #basuraleza #bethechange #rivercleanup #trashtag #cleanup #plogging #litterpicking #earthday #yourbagmakesadifference #keepnaturewild #justgrabbits #binit #ploggingsquad #roskapäïvä #just1bag1000 #porpocoquehagamos #2minutebeachclean #5minutebeachcleanup #unlitter #уберипростотак #dosomethingfornothing


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